
I specialize in analytic aesthetics and the philosophy of art. I regularly teach courses on different topics in these areas. My research explores the nature and rational structure of aesthetic valuing, particularly focusing on the different mental states involved in this activity and how they relate to or interfere with each other. I'm also interested in certain topics within the philosophy of emotions, moral psychology and practical rationality that can help us answer these questions. I also have an interest in the ethics and aesthetics of art collections/-ing.  

I am the recipient of an International Postdoc Grant from the Swedish Research Council (2024-2027). My project, titled "Aesthetic Rationality: Coherence and Respect" investigates whether two of our main aesthetic attitudes—namely, judging an object as aesthetically valuable and aesthetically liking it—are subject to coherence requirements. The project is based at Uppsala University (Sweden) and the University of Southampton (UK). My host at Southampton is Prof. Daniel Whiting. You can read more about the project here.

Below you can find a list of selected publications.


Papers and Book Chapters

Book Reviews

Popular Philosophy

In preparation

BSA Annual Conference 2018 (Oxford)

Photo by Eleen Deprez

ASA Annual Conference 2018 (Toronto)

Photo by John Gibson